Whether you'll choose adult home care massachusetts or a retirement community, it's never too early to start considering a plan for your parents as they age. It's actually helpful and even important to make a detailed plan before the need arises, when your loved one may no longer have the ability to express their wishes and concerns or make informed decisions. While it may feel like an uncomfortable topic, be sure you discuss this phase of life freely and frequently while preparing for the planned course of action through research and savings.
Saving for Your Kids' College
Today, the average price tag for a college degree is between $20,000 and $47,000 and rising. Even with scholarships and grants, student debt is becoming more and more crippling with each passing year as the economy and job market continue to shift. The time to start helping your child saving for college is sooner than you might think. With the right savings plan, simply contributing a little each month from birth can make a huge impact on total savings.
Planning for Retirement
When you're ready to retire from work, your savings isn't just about making average contributions along the way. Have a professional evaluate your goals and needs for the future while factoring in inflation. This will help determine how much you actually need to put away to maintain your lifestyle.
Don't wait until the last minute to plan for these major life events. Take action today to prepare for your future with success.
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