Convert to Wood-Burning Fireplaces
A gas-fired fireplace is certainly convenient, but it doesn't have the same flair as a wood-burning model. Consider a conversion if you're really committed to the old-world appearance. Use the fireplace so that it has a rustic look for future buyers, such as a darkened appearance close to the flame. Everyone will fall in love with a fireplace that conveys comfort and family living.
Try Old-Fashioned Flooring
Wall-to-wall carpeting won't convey an old-fashioned appearance. Install new flooring that looks like it's from the 1700s or 1800s. Rustic oak wood flooring is a clever choice. It's durable and fits the part in an old-world home. Use the flooring in most of the rooms to create a cohesive look.
Add Rocking Chairs
Although it may seem cliche, adding rocking chairs to a porch or living room is a simple way to change the feel of the home. Ideally, the chairs should be wood and a bit oversized. If they have a few flaws, such as minor cracks, those character traits only add to the interest of the pieces.
Consider Stone for the Walls
With wood flooring in place, look to the walls for your next inspiration. Think about adding stonework to the walls. Treat the space as if it's an accent piece. The stones don't have to be real either. There are faux stones that are perfect for flat surfaces. A main room, for example, will stand out as a rugged representation of old-world charm with the stonework.
If you're not completing the work yourself, be sure to pick a contractor that has experience with old-world decor. They'll be able to install the materials without any delay. Your property will look the part as you try to put it on the market.
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