Instead of doing a broad search for "jobs for teachers" or "positions for designers," consider narrowing your search. This will help you find very specific jobs that are available in your field and could help you narrow down your options to a select few. For example, maybe you're looking for HVAC jobs in Hampton Roads. Maybe you're looking for a substitute teaching position to teach mathematics to teenagers. No matter what you're seeking, narrowing down your search to very specific perimeters will help you find something that meets your needs exactly.
2. Know your worth
Always enter your job search with a solid understanding of what your skills and talents are worth. Many job-seekers don't quite know what they should ask to be paid, so if you understand your current market worth, you'll be able to negotiate a fair and reasonable salary. Understand that the actual salary you receive may be different than what you are expecting, but knowing what to request can give you a good starting point when it comes to negotiating pay.
3. Choose your location
Finally, always choose a location that works for you. Before you begin searching for a job, ask yourself if you're willing to relocate. Are you willing to commute to your new job? If yes, how far are you willing to travel? If you aren't willing to commute, would you consider relocating? Would you be willing to do this if your company doesn't pay for moving expenses? Making these choices ahead of time will help you find a solid position that works for you and your family. Remember that while many companies will request you move to their location, it's often possible to find great jobs that are close to your house with a minimal commute.
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