With the climate becoming warmer, the microorganisms in the soil are also becoming more active. This is bound to benefit plants since these microorganisms provide nutrients and are vital to their health and productivity. The tropical rainforests which are the most diverse places on earth when it comes to plant life have soils that are very active and are filled with microorganisms.
Stronger Winds
One result of Global Warming is that the winds around the globe are strengthened. The strong winds can contribute in helping plants spread and reproduce since it helps in scattering seeds and the pollen of plants. This allows the plants to cope with the destruction done by humans on forests and other areas where plants used to be abundant.
The stronger winds and the higher temperature would help in spreading certain types of plants to areas where they could not be found before. Plants which were considered to be staple foods in warmer climates could start moving on to areas that were too cold before, but are now warming up. This change can have a vital effect on the way that humans get food.
Negative Effects of Global Warming on Plants
We have seen how plants can benefit in some way from the climate change, but we have mentioned that there is another side to the Global Warming. Plants are bound to be affected too in a negative way by the change in climate.
One of the negative effects of Global Warming on plants is how it would impact growth. While some claim that the warmer weather can make crops grow faster, recent research has shown that this effect is not permanent. When the crops are exposed to warmer temperature for longer periods they fail to exhibit the accelerated growth.
The warmer climate can also mean that the nitrogen on the ground can be processed more quickly and turned into gas. When nitrogen is turned into gas in the air it becomes useless to plants. The warmer weather would also mean a more frequent cycle of freezing and thawing. That change in the cycle can wreak havoc in the roots of the plants that are not used to the change.
Endangering Plants
The warmer climate can also endanger certain plant life. One such plant which is being threatened by the warmer weather is the Haleakalā plant which can be found in Hawaii. While the plant was able to recover from the earlier threats to it, indicators are pointing out to the fact that the plant might have a hard time if current global warming trend continues. There are more plant species like the Haleakalā which are being threatened today.
With all this global warming doom and gloom around maybe it's time to look into indoor plants? Check out the Gaddys Indoor Plant Hire website for more information on indoor plants.
This article courtesy of Anthony Morphertt.
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